
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


absoluteExpiryTime() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the expiry time.
absoluteExpiryTime(long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on absolute expiry time field.
absoluteExpiryTime(long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the expiry time.
accept() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Consumer.Context
Accept the message (AMQP 1.0 accepted outcome).
ACCEPTED - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector.ConsumeDisposition
ACCEPTED - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector.PublishDisposition
ACCEPTED - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Publisher.Status
The message has been accepted by the broker.
activated(boolean) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionBuilder.RecoveryConfiguration
Whether to activate recovery or not.
add(Consumer.Context) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Consumer.BatchContext
Add a message context to the batch context.
Address - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Utility class to represent a hostname and a port.
Address(String, int) - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Address
AddressBuilder<T> - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
addressSelector(AddressSelector) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
The AddressSelector to use.
AddressSelector - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Contract to pick an Address to connect to a cluster node.
affinity() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
Connection affinity settings.
AmqpConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AmqpException.AmqpConnectionException
AmqpEntityDoesNotExistException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AmqpException.AmqpEntityDoesNotExistException
AmqpEntityDoesNotExistException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AmqpException.AmqpEntityDoesNotExistException
AmqpEnvironmentBuilder - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.impl
Builder to create an Environment instance of the RabbitMQ AMQP 1.0 Java Client.
AmqpEnvironmentBuilder() - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.impl.AmqpEnvironmentBuilder
AmqpEnvironmentBuilder.EnvironmentConnectionSettings - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.impl
Common settings for connections created by an environment instance.
AmqpException - Exception Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Exception classes.
AmqpException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AmqpException
AmqpException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AmqpException
AmqpException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AmqpException
AmqpException.AmqpConnectionException - Exception Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Exception related to connectivity problems.
AmqpException.AmqpEntityDoesNotExistException - Exception Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Exception thrown when an entity (exchange, queue) does not exit.
AmqpException.AmqpResourceClosedException - Exception Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Exception thrown when a resource is not usable because it is closed.
AmqpException.AmqpResourceInvalidStateException - Exception Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Exception thrown when a resource is not in an appropriate state.
AmqpException.AmqpSecurityException - Exception Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Exception related to security (authentication, permission, etc).
AmqpObservationDocumentation - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer
To generate documentation.
AmqpObservationDocumentation.HighCardinalityTags - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer
High cardinality tags.
AmqpObservationDocumentation.LowCardinalityTags - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer
Low cardinality tags.
AmqpResourceClosedException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AmqpException.AmqpResourceClosedException
AmqpResourceClosedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AmqpException.AmqpResourceClosedException
AmqpResourceInvalidStateException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AmqpException.AmqpResourceInvalidStateException
AmqpResourceInvalidStateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AmqpException.AmqpResourceInvalidStateException
AmqpSecurityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AmqpException.AmqpSecurityException
AmqpSecurityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AmqpException.AmqpSecurityException
annotation(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the value of a message annotation.
annotation(String, Object) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the value of a message annotation.
argument(String, Object) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.BindingSpecification
Binding argument.
argument(String, Object) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ExchangeSpecification
Exchange argument.
argument(String, Object) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
Set a queue argument.
argument(String, Object) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.UnbindSpecification
A binding argument.
arguments() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueInfo
The arguments of the queue.
arguments(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.BindingSpecification
Binding arguments.
arguments(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.UnbindSpecification
Binding arguments.
AT_LEAST_ONCE - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QuorumQueueDeadLetterStrategy
At-least-once strategy, guarantees for the message transfer between queues (with some caveats).
AT_MOST_ONCE - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QuorumQueueDeadLetterStrategy
At-most-once strategy, dead-lettered messages can be lost in transit.
authenticate(String, String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.CredentialsManager.AuthenticationCallback
Authentication logic.
autoDelete() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueInfo
Whether the queue is deleted when last consumer unsubscribes.
autoDelete(boolean) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ExchangeSpecification
Whether the exchange is deleted when last queue is unbound from it.
autoDelete(boolean) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
Whether the queue get automatically deleted when its last consumer unsubscribes.


B(long) - Static method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ByteCapacity
backOffDelayPolicy(BackOffDelayPolicy) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionBuilder.RecoveryConfiguration
Delay policy for connection attempts.
BackOffDelayPolicy - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Contract to determine a delay between attempts of some task.
BackOffDelayPolicy.FixedWithInitialDelayAndTimeoutBackOffPolicy - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Policy with an initial delay for the first attempt, then a fixed delay, and a timeout.
BackOffDelayPolicy.FixedWithInitialDelayBackOffPolicy - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Policy with an initial delay for the first attempt, then a fixed delay.
BALANCED - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueLeaderLocator
Takes into account the number of queues/leaders already running on each node in the cluster.
batch(int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Consumer.Context
Create a batch context to accumulate message contexts and settle them at once.
bind() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.BindingSpecification
Create the binding.
binding() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management
Start binding specification.
body() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the message body.
body(byte[]) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the body of the message.
build() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionBuilder
Create the connection instance.
build() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder
Build the consumer.
build() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.EnvironmentBuilder
Creates the Environment instance.
build() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.impl.AmqpEnvironmentBuilder
Create the environment instance.
build() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.MicrometerObservationCollectorBuilder
Create the configured instance.
build() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.PublisherBuilder
Build the configured instance.
build() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcClientBuilder
Build the configured instance.
build() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcServerBuilder
Create the configured instance.
builder() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.StreamOptions
Return the consumer builder.
ByteCapacity - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
API to easily configure byte capacities.


classic() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
Set the type to Management.QueueType.CLASSIC and return classic-queue-specific specification.
CLASSIC - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueType
Classic queue.
CLIENT_LOCAL - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueLeaderLocator
Pick the node the client is connected to.
clientId(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.OAuth2Settings
Set the OAuth 2 client ID
clientSecret(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.OAuth2Settings
Set the secret (password) to use to get a token.
close() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Connection
Close the connection and its resources
close() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Consumer
Close the consumer with its resources.
close() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Environment
Close the environment and its resources.
close() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management
Close the management instance and release its resources.
close() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.CredentialsManager.NoOpRegistration
close() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.CredentialsManager.Registration
Close the registration.
close() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Publisher
Close the publisher and release its resources.
close() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcClient
Close the RPC client and its resources.
close() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcServer
Close the RPC server and its resources.
closeConnection() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector
Called when a Connection is closed.
closeConnection() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MicrometerMetricsCollector
closeConnection() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.NoOpMetricsCollector
closeConsumer() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector
Called when a Consumer is closed.
closeConsumer() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MicrometerMetricsCollector
closeConsumer() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.NoOpMetricsCollector
CLOSED - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Resource.State
The resource is closed.
closePublisher() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector
Called when a Publisher is closed.
closePublisher() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MicrometerMetricsCollector
closePublisher() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.NoOpMetricsCollector
CLOSING - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Resource.State
The resource is closing.
com.rabbitmq.client.amqp - package com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Main API for the RabbitMQ AMQP Java Client.
com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.impl - package com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.impl
Implementation package.
com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics - package com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics
Package for metrics collection utilities.
com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2 - package com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2
com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer - package com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer
Micrometer-based implementation for ObservationCollector.
compareTo(ByteCapacity) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ByteCapacity
connect(CredentialsManager.AuthenticationCallback) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.CredentialsManager.NoOpRegistration
connect(CredentialsManager.AuthenticationCallback) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.CredentialsManager.Registration
Connection request from the component.
connection() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.Affinity
Return the connection builder.
connection() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.TlsSettings
The connection builder.
connection() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.OAuth2Settings
Connection settings.
Connection - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
A connection to the broker.
connectionBuilder() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionBuilder.RecoveryConfiguration
The connection builder.
connectionBuilder() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Environment
Create a builder to configure and create a Connection.
ConnectionBuilder - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Builder for Connection instances.
ConnectionBuilder.RecoveryConfiguration - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Configuration for recovery.
connectionSettings() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.impl.AmqpEnvironmentBuilder
Returns connection settings shared by connection builders.
ConnectionSettings<T> - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Settings for a connection.
ConnectionSettings.Affinity<T> - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Connection affinity settings.
ConnectionSettings.Affinity.Operation - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Affinity operation.
ConnectionSettings.AffinityContext - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
ConnectionSettings.AffinityStrategy - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Strategy to pick candidate nodes with an affinity with a queue.
ConnectionSettings.TlsSettings<T> - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
TLS settings.
consume() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector
Called when a Message is dispatched to a Consumer.
consume() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MicrometerMetricsCollector
consume() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.NoOpMetricsCollector
CONSUME - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.Affinity.Operation
consumeDisposition(MetricsCollector.ConsumeDisposition) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector
Called when a Message is settled by a Consumer.
consumeDisposition(MetricsCollector.ConsumeDisposition) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MicrometerMetricsCollector
consumeDisposition(MetricsCollector.ConsumeDisposition) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.NoOpMetricsCollector
Consumer - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
API to consume messages from a RabbitMQ queue.
Consumer.BatchContext - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Context to accumulate message contexts and settle them at once.
Consumer.Context - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Context for message processing.
Consumer.MessageHandler - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Contract to process a message.
consumerBuilder() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Connection
Create a builder to configure and create a Consumer.
ConsumerBuilder - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
API to configure and create a Consumer.
ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions<T> - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Filter options for support of AMQP filter expressions.
ConsumerBuilder.StreamFilterOptions - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Filter options for support of AMQP filter expressions.
ConsumerBuilder.StreamOffsetSpecification - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Offset specification to start consuming from.
ConsumerBuilder.StreamOptions - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Options for a consumer consuming from a stream.
ConsumerBuilder.SubscriptionListener - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Callback to modify a consumer subscription before the link creation.
ConsumerBuilder.SubscriptionListener.Context - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Subscription context.
consumerCount() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueInfo
The number of consumers the queue has.
consumerExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.impl.AmqpEnvironmentBuilder
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Do not use anymore
contentEncoding() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the content-encoding.
contentEncoding(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on content-encoding field.
contentEncoding(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the content-encoding.
contentType() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the content-type.
contentType(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on content-type field.
contentType(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the content-type.
correlationId() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get message correlation ID.
correlationId() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DeliverContext
correlationId() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.PublishContext
correlationId(byte[]) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on correlation ID.
correlationId(byte[]) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the message correlation ID (array of bytes).
correlationId(long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on correlation ID.
correlationId(long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the message correlation ID (long).
correlationId(Object) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on correlation ID.
correlationId(Object) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the message correlation ID.
correlationId(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on correlation ID.
correlationId(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the message correlation ID (string).
correlationId(UUID) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on correlation ID.
correlationId(UUID) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the message correlation ID (UUID).
correlationIdAsBinary() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get message correlation ID as an array of bytes.
correlationIdAsLong() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get message correlation ID as a long.
correlationIdAsString() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get message correlation ID as a string.
correlationIdAsUuid() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get message correlation ID as a UUID.
correlationIdExtractor(Function<Message, Object>) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcClientBuilder
Callback to extract the correlation ID from a reply message.
correlationIdExtractor(Function<Message, Object>) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcServerBuilder
Logic to extract the correlation ID from a request message.
correlationIdSupplier(Supplier<Object>) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcClientBuilder
The generator for correlation ID.
creationTime() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the creation time.
creationTime(long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on creation time field.
creationTime(long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the creation time.
CredentialsManager - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2
Contract to authenticate and possibly re-authenticate application components.
CredentialsManager.AuthenticationCallback - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2
Component authentication callback.
CredentialsManager.NoOpCredentialsManager - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2
CredentialsManager.NoOpRegistration - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2
CredentialsManager.Registration - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2
A component registration.
credentialsProvider(CredentialsProvider) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
CredentialsProvider - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Marker interface for providing credentials.
currentState() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Resource.Context
The current (new) state of the resource.
customProcessConvention(DeliverObservationConvention) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.MicrometerObservationCollectorBuilder
Set the custom ObservationConvention for processing (consuming).
customPublishConvention(PublishObservationConvention) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.MicrometerObservationCollectorBuilder
Set the custom ObservationConvention for publishing.


deadLetterExchange(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
The dead letter exchange.
deadLetterRoutingKey(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
The dead letter routing key.
deadLetterStrategy(Management.QuorumQueueDeadLetterStrategy) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QuorumQueueSpecification
The dead letter strategy.
deadLetterStrategy(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QuorumQueueSpecification
The dead letter strategy (as a string).
declare() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ExchangeSpecification
Declare the exchange.
declare() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
Declare the queue.
DEFAULT_REFRESH_DELAY_STRATEGY - Static variable in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.TokenCredentialsManager
defaultProcessConvention(DeliverObservationConvention) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.MicrometerObservationCollectorBuilder
Set the default ObservationConvention for processing (consuming).
DefaultProcessObservationConvention - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer
Default ObservationConvention for processing (consuming).
DefaultProcessObservationConvention() - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DefaultProcessObservationConvention
defaultPublishConvention(PublishObservationConvention) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.MicrometerObservationCollectorBuilder
Set the default ObservationConvention for publishing.
DefaultPublishObservationConvention - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer
Default ObservationConvention for publishing.
DefaultPublishObservationConvention() - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DefaultPublishObservationConvention
DefaultUsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Default implementation of UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider.
DefaultUsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider(String, String) - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.DefaultUsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider
delay(int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.BackOffDelayPolicy
Returns the delay to use for a given attempt.
delay(int) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.BackOffDelayPolicy.FixedWithInitialDelayAndTimeoutBackOffPolicy
delay(int) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.BackOffDelayPolicy.FixedWithInitialDelayBackOffPolicy
delete(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ExchangeDeletion
Delete the exchange.
delete(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueDeletion
Delete the queue.
DeliverContext - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer
Delivery context.
DeliverObservationConvention - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer
Contract for delivery (processing/consuming) ObservationConvention.
deliveryLimit(int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QuorumQueueSpecification
Set the delivery limit (for poison message handling).
destinationExchange(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.BindingSpecification
The destination exchange.
destinationExchange(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.UnbindSpecification
The destination exchange.
destinationQueue(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.BindingSpecification
The destination queue.
destinationQueue(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.UnbindSpecification
The destination queue.
DIRECT - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ExchangeType
Direct exchange type.
discard() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Consumer.Context
Discard the message (AMQP 1.0 rejected outcome).
discard(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Consumer.Context
Discard the message with annotations to combine with the existing message annotations.
DISCARDED - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector.ConsumeDisposition
DROP_HEAD - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.OverflowStrategy
Drop the messages at the head of the queue.
durable() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueInfo
Whether the queue is durable (will survive a server restart).
durable() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Whether the message is durable.


Environment - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
The Environment is the main entry point to a node or a cluster of nodes.
environmentBuilder() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.impl.AmqpEnvironmentBuilder.EnvironmentConnectionSettings
The owning environment builder.
EnvironmentBuilder - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Builder for Environment instances.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Address
equals(Object) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ByteCapacity
exchange() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management
Start exchange specification.
exchange() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DeliverContext
exchange() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.PublishContext
exchange(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AddressBuilder
Set the exchange.
exchange(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management
Start exchange specification.
exchangeDelete(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management
Delete an exchange.
exchangeDeletion() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
exclusive() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueInfo
Whether the queue is used by only one connection and will be deleted when that connection closes.
exclusive(boolean) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
Whether the queue is exclusive or not.
executorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.impl.AmqpEnvironmentBuilder
Set executor service used for internal tasks (e.g. connection recovery).
expirationTime() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.Token
The expiration time of the token.
expires(Duration) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
Set TTL for a queue.


failureCause() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Resource.Context
The failure cause, can be null.
FANOUT - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ExchangeType
Fanout exchange type.
filter() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.StreamOptions
Options for AMQP filter expressions.
filterMatchUnfiltered(boolean) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.StreamOptions
Whether messages without a filter value should be sent.
filterValues(String...) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.StreamOptions
Filter values for stream filtering.
FIRST - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.StreamOffsetSpecification
Beginning of the stream.
firstAcquirer() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Whether the message may have been acquired by another link.
fixed(Duration) - Static method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.BackOffDelayPolicy
Policy with a fixed delay.
fixedWithInitialDelay(Duration, Duration) - Static method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.BackOffDelayPolicy
Policy with an initial delay for the first attempt, then a fixed delay.
fixedWithInitialDelay(Duration, Duration, Duration) - Static method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.BackOffDelayPolicy
Policy with an initial delay for the first attempt, then a fixed delay, and a timeout.
forEachAnnotation(BiConsumer<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Iterate over message annotations.
forEachProperty(BiConsumer<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Iterate over application properties.
from(String) - Static method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ByteCapacity


GB(long) - Static method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ByteCapacity
getContextualName(DeliverContext) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DefaultProcessObservationConvention
getContextualName(PublishContext) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DefaultPublishObservationConvention
getHighCardinalityKeyValues(DeliverContext) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DefaultProcessObservationConvention
getHighCardinalityKeyValues(PublishContext) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DefaultPublishObservationConvention
getLowCardinalityKeyValues(DeliverContext) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DefaultProcessObservationConvention
getLowCardinalityKeyValues(PublishContext) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DefaultPublishObservationConvention
getName() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DefaultProcessObservationConvention
getName() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DefaultPublishObservationConvention
getPassword() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.DefaultUsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider
getPassword() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider
The password
getUsername() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.DefaultUsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider
getUsername() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider
The username
grantType(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.OAuth2Settings
Set the grant type to use when requesting the token.
groupId() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the group ID.
groupId(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on group ID.
groupId(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the group ID.
groupSequence() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the message position in its group.
groupSequence(int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on group sequence.
groupSequence(int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the position of the message in its group.
GsonTokenParser - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2
Token parser for JSON OAuth 2 Access tokens.
GsonTokenParser() - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.GsonTokenParser


handle(Consumer.Context, Message) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Consumer.MessageHandler
Process a message
handle(Publisher.Context) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Publisher.Callback
Handle broker feedback.
handle(Resource.Context) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Resource.StateListener
Handle state change.
handle(RpcServer.Context, Message) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcServer.Handler
Process request message.
handler(RpcServer.Handler) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcServerBuilder
The logic to process requests and issue replies.
hasAnnotation(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Whether a message annotation is set.
hasAnnotations() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Whether the message has message annotation.
hashCode() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Address
hashCode() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ByteCapacity
hasProperties() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Whether at least one application property is set on the message.
hasProperty(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Check an application property is set.
HEADERS - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ExchangeType
Headers Exchange Type.
host() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Address
host(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
The host to connect to.
hostnameVerification() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.TlsSettings
Activate hostname verification.
hostnameVerification(boolean) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.TlsSettings
Whether to activate hostname verification or not.
HttpTokenRequester - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2
Token requester using HTTP(S) to request an OAuth2 Access token.
HttpTokenRequester(String, String, String, String, Map<String, String>, Consumer<HttpClient.Builder>, Consumer<HttpRequest.Builder>, TokenParser) - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.HttpTokenRequester


idleTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
Idle timeout (heartbeat) to use.
initialClusterSize(int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.StreamSpecification
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
initialCredits(int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder
The initial number credits to grant to the AMQP receiver.
initialMemberCount(int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QuorumQueueSpecification
Set the number of initial members the quorum queue should have.
initialMemberCount(int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.StreamSpecification
Set the number of initial members the stream should have.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.NoOpMetricsCollector


kB(long) - Static method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ByteCapacity
key(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AddressBuilder
Set the routing key.
key(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.BindingSpecification
The binding key.
key(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.UnbindSpecification
The binding key.


LAST - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.StreamOffsetSpecification
Last chunk of the stream.
leader() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueInfo
The node the leader of the queue is on.
leaderLocator(Management.QueueLeaderLocator) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
Leader-locator strategy (replica placement) for the queue.
listeners(Resource.StateListener...) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionBuilder
Add Resource.StateListeners to the connection.
listeners(Resource.StateListener...) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder
Add Resource.StateListeners to the consumer.
listeners(Resource.StateListener...) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.PublisherBuilder
Add Resource.StateListeners to the consumer.
locator() - Method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueLeaderLocator


management() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Connection
The Management instance of this connection.
Management - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
API to manage AMQ 0.9.1 model topology (exchanges, queues, and bindings).
Management.BindingSpecification - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Specification of a binding.
Management.ClassicQueueSpecification - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Specification of a classic queue.
Management.ClassicQueueVersion - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Classic queue version.
Management.ExchangeDeletion - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Management.ExchangeSpecification - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Specification of an exchange.
Management.ExchangeType - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Exchange type.
Management.OverflowStrategy - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Overflow strategy (when a queue reaches its maximum length limit).
Management.QueueDeletion - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Management.QueueInfo - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Queue information.
Management.QueueLeaderLocator - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Queue leader locator.
Management.QueueSpecification - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Specification to create a queue.
Management.QueueType - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Queue Type.
Management.QuorumQueueDeadLetterStrategy - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Dead letter strategy for quorum queues.
Management.QuorumQueueSpecification - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Specification of a quorum queue.
Management.StreamSpecification - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Specification of a stream.
Management.UnbindSpecification - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Unbind specification.
maxAge(Duration) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.StreamSpecification
Set the maximum age of a stream before it gets truncated.
maxLength(long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
Maximum length for a queue.
maxLengthBytes(ByteCapacity) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
Maximum length in bytes for a queue.
maxPriority(int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ClassicQueueSpecification
Declare a priority queue and set the maximum priority.
maxSegmentSizeBytes(ByteCapacity) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.StreamSpecification
Set the maximum size for the stream segment files.
MB(long) - Static method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ByteCapacity
members() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueInfo
The nodes the queue has members on.
message() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message.MessageAddressBuilder
message() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Publisher.Context
The message.
message() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Publisher
Create a message meant to be published by the publisher instance.
message() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcClient
Create a message meant to be published by the underlying publisher instance.
message() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcServer.Context
Create a message meant to be published by the underlying publisher instance.
message(byte[]) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Publisher
Create a message meant to be published by the publisher instance.
message(byte[]) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcClient
Create a message meant to be published by the underlying publisher instance.
message(byte[]) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcServer.Context
Create a message meant to be published by the underlying publisher instance.
Message - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
AMQP 1.0 message.
Message.MessageAddressBuilder - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
messageCount() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueInfo
The number of messages in the queue.
messageHandler(Consumer.MessageHandler) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder
The callback for inbound messages.
messageId() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get message ID.
messageId() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DeliverContext
messageId() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.PublishContext
messageId(byte[]) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on message ID.
messageId(byte[]) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the message ID (array of bytes).
messageId(long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on message ID.
messageId(long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the message ID (long).
messageId(Object) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on message ID.
messageId(Object) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the message ID.
messageId(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on message ID.
messageId(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the message ID (string).
messageId(UUID) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on message ID.
messageId(UUID) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the message ID (UUID).
messageIdAsBinary() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get message ID as an array of bytes.
messageIdAsLong() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get message ID as a long.
messageIdAsString() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get message ID as a string.
messageIdAsUuid() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get message ID as a UUID.
messageTtl(Duration) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
Set the message TTL for the queue.
MESSAGING_DESTINATION_NAME - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.HighCardinalityTags
MESSAGING_MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_ID - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.HighCardinalityTags
MESSAGING_MESSAGE_ID - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.HighCardinalityTags
MESSAGING_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTES - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.HighCardinalityTags
MESSAGING_OPERATION - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.LowCardinalityTags
A string identifying the kind of messaging operation.
MESSAGING_ROUTING_KEY - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.HighCardinalityTags
MESSAGING_SOURCE_NAME - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.HighCardinalityTags
MESSAGING_SYSTEM - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.LowCardinalityTags
A string identifying the messaging system.
metricsCollector(MetricsCollector) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.impl.AmqpEnvironmentBuilder
MetricsCollector - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics
Interface to collect execution data of the client.
MetricsCollector.ConsumeDisposition - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics
The client-to-broker dispositions.
MetricsCollector.PublishDisposition - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics
The broker-to-client dispositions.
MicrometerMetricsCollector - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics
MetricsCollector implementation using Micrometer.
MicrometerMetricsCollector(MeterRegistry) - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MicrometerMetricsCollector
MicrometerMetricsCollector(MeterRegistry, String) - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MicrometerMetricsCollector
MicrometerMetricsCollector(MeterRegistry, String, Iterable<Tag>) - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MicrometerMetricsCollector
MicrometerMetricsCollector(MeterRegistry, String, String...) - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MicrometerMetricsCollector
MicrometerObservationCollectorBuilder - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer
Builder to create an instance of ObservationCollector using Micrometer observation.
MicrometerObservationCollectorBuilder() - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.MicrometerObservationCollectorBuilder


name() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueInfo
The name of the queue.
name(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ExchangeSpecification
The name of the exchange.
name(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
The name of the queue.
NET_PROTOCOL_NAME - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.LowCardinalityTags
A string identifying the protocol (AMQP).
NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.LowCardinalityTags
A string identifying the protocol version (1.0).
NET_SOCK_PEER_ADDR - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.HighCardinalityTags
NET_SOCK_PEER_PORT - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.HighCardinalityTags
NEXT - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.StreamOffsetSpecification
Very end of the stream (new chunks).
NO_OP - Static variable in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.CredentialsManager
No-op credentials manager.
nodesWithAffinity(ConnectionSettings.AffinityContext, Management.QueueInfo) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.AffinityStrategy
Pick affinity.
NoOpCredentialsManager() - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.CredentialsManager.NoOpCredentialsManager
NoOpMetricsCollector - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics
No-operation implementation of MetricsCollector.
NoOpRegistration() - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.CredentialsManager.NoOpRegistration


oauth2() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
OAuth 2 settings.
oauth2() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.OAuth2Settings.TlsSettings
Go back to the general OAuth 2 settings.
OAuth2Exception - Exception Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2
OAuth 2-related exception.
OAuth2Exception(String) - Constructor for exception class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.OAuth2Exception
OAuth2Exception(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.OAuth2Exception
OAuth2Settings<T> - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Configuration to retrieve a token using the OAuth 2 Client Credentials flow.
OAuth2Settings.TlsSettings<T> - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
TLS settings to request the OAuth 2 token.
observationCollector(ObservationCollector) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.impl.AmqpEnvironmentBuilder
ObservationCollector - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
API to observe common message operations.
ObservationCollector.ConnectionInfo - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Information on a connection.
offset(long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.StreamOptions
The offset to start consuming from.
offset(ConsumerBuilder.StreamOffsetSpecification) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.StreamOptions
The offset to start consuming from.
offset(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.StreamOptions
The offset to start consuming from as an interval string value.
offset(Instant) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.StreamOptions
A point in time to start consuming from.
OPEN - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Resource.State
The resource is open and functional.
openConnection() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector
Called when a new Connection is opened.
openConnection() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MicrometerMetricsCollector
openConnection() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.NoOpMetricsCollector
openConsumer() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector
Called when a new Consumer is opened.
openConsumer() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MicrometerMetricsCollector
openConsumer() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.NoOpMetricsCollector
OPENING - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Resource.State
The resource is currently opening.
openPublisher() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector
Called when a new Publisher is opened.
openPublisher() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MicrometerMetricsCollector
openPublisher() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.NoOpMetricsCollector
operation() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.AffinityContext
Operation for affinity.
operation(ConnectionSettings.Affinity.Operation) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.Affinity
The type of operation to look affinity with.
overflowStrategy(Management.OverflowStrategy) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
The overflow strategy.
overflowStrategy(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
The overflow strategy (as a string).


parameter(String, String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.OAuth2Settings
Set a parameter to pass in the request.
parse(String) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.GsonTokenParser
parse(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.TokenParser
Parse the token.
password(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
The password to use.
pause() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Consumer
Pause the consumer to stop receiving messages.
payloadSizeBytes() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DeliverContext
payloadSizeBytes() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.PublishContext
peerAddress() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.PublishContext
peerAddress() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ObservationCollector.ConnectionInfo
Remote (broker) address.
peerPort() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.PublishContext
peerPort() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ObservationCollector.ConnectionInfo
Remote (broker) port.
port() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Address
port(int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
The port to use to connect.
preSubscribe(ConsumerBuilder.SubscriptionListener.Context) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.SubscriptionListener
Pre-subscription callback.
previousState() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Resource.Context
The previous state of the resource.
priority() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the message priority.
priority(byte) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the priority of the message.
priority(int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder
The consumer priority.
PROCESS_OBSERVATION - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation
Observation for processing a message.
property(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the value of an application property.
property(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on boolean application property.
property(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
property(String, byte) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on byte application property.
property(String, byte) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
property(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on byte array application property.
property(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
property(String, char) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on character application property.
property(String, char) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
property(String, double) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on double application property.
property(String, double) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
property(String, float) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on float application property.
property(String, float) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
property(String, int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on integer application property.
property(String, int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
property(String, long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on long application property.
property(String, long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
property(String, short) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on short application property.
property(String, short) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
property(String, String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on string application property.
property(String, String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
property(String, UUID) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on UUID application property.
property(String, UUID) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
propertyDecimal128(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on 128-bit decimal number application property.
propertyDecimal128(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
propertyDecimal32(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on 32-bit decimal number application property.
propertyDecimal32(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
propertyDecimal64(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on 64-bit decimal number application property.
propertyDecimal64(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
propertySymbol(String, String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on symbol application property.
propertySymbol(String, String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
propertyTimestamp(String, long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on timestamp application property.
propertyTimestamp(String, long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
propertyUnsigned(String, byte) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on unsigned byte application property.
propertyUnsigned(String, byte) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
propertyUnsigned(String, int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on unsigned integer application property.
propertyUnsigned(String, int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
propertyUnsigned(String, long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on unsigned long application property.
propertyUnsigned(String, long) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
propertyUnsigned(String, short) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on unsigned short application property.
propertyUnsigned(String, short) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set an application property.
publish() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector
Called when a Message is published.
publish() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MicrometerMetricsCollector
publish() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.NoOpMetricsCollector
publish(Message) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcClient
Publish a request message and expect a response.
publish(Message, Publisher.Callback) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Publisher
Publish a message.
publish(String, String, Message, ObservationCollector.ConnectionInfo, Function<Message, T>) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ObservationCollector
Observe the publishing of a message.
PUBLISH - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.Affinity.Operation
PUBLISH_OBSERVATION - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation
Observation for publishing a message.
PublishContext - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer
Publish context.
publishDisposition(MetricsCollector.PublishDisposition) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector
Called when a Message is settled by the broker.
publishDisposition(MetricsCollector.PublishDisposition) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MicrometerMetricsCollector
publishDisposition(MetricsCollector.PublishDisposition) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.NoOpMetricsCollector
Publisher - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
API to send messages.
Publisher.Callback - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
API to deal with the feedback the broker provides after its processing of a published message.
Publisher.Context - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Feedback context.
Publisher.Status - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Message status.
publisherBuilder() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Connection
Create a builder to configure and create a Publisher.
PublisherBuilder - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
API to configure and create a Publisher.
publisherExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.impl.AmqpEnvironmentBuilder
Set executor service used to deal with broker responses after processing outbound messages.
PublishObservationConvention - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer
Contract for publishing ObservationConvention.
publishTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.PublisherBuilder
The timeout to wait for a response from the broker.


queue() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.AffinityContext
Queue to have affinity with.
queue() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ClassicQueueSpecification
Go back to the queue specification.
queue() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management
Start queue specification.
queue() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QuorumQueueSpecification
Go back to the queue specification.
queue() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.StreamSpecification
Go back to the queue specification.
queue() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DeliverContext
queue(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AddressBuilder
Set the queue.
queue(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.Affinity
The queue to have affinity with.
queue(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder
The queue to consume from.
queue(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management
Start queue specification.
queueDelete(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management
Delete a queue.
queueDeletion() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
queueInfo(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management
Query information on a queue.
queuePurge(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management
Purge (delete all messages) from a queue.
quorum() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
Set the type to Management.QueueType.QUORUM and return quorum-queue-specific specification.
QUORUM - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueType
Quorum queue.
quorumInitialGroupSize(int) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QuorumQueueSpecification
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.


ratioRefreshDelayStrategy(float) - Static method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.TokenCredentialsManager
RECOVERING - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Resource.State
The resource is recovering.
recovery() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionBuilder
Configuration for recovery.
register(String, CredentialsManager.AuthenticationCallback) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.CredentialsManager.NoOpCredentialsManager
register(String, CredentialsManager.AuthenticationCallback) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.CredentialsManager
Register a component for authentication.
register(String, CredentialsManager.AuthenticationCallback) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.TokenCredentialsManager
registry(ObservationRegistry) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.MicrometerObservationCollectorBuilder
Set the Micrometer's ObservationRegistry.
REJECT_PUBLISH - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.OverflowStrategy
Discard the most recent published messages.
REJECT_PUBLISH_DLX - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.OverflowStrategy
Discard the most recent published messages and dead-letter them.
REJECTED - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector.PublishDisposition
REJECTED - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Publisher.Status
At least one queue the message was routed to rejected the message.
RELEASED - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector.PublishDisposition
RELEASED - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Publisher.Status
The broker could not route the message to any queue.
removeAnnotation(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Remove an annotation.
removeProperty(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Remove an application property.
replicas() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueInfo
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
replyPostProcessor(BiFunction<Message, Object, Message>) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcServerBuilder
A callback called after request processing but before sending the reply message.
replyTo() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the reply-to field.
replyTo(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on reply-to field.
replyTo(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the reply-to field.
replyToAddress() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
replyToGroupId() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the reply-to group ID.
replyToGroupId(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on reply-to group.
replyToGroupId(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the reply-to group ID.
replyToQueue(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcClientBuilder
The queue the client expects responses on.
request() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.HttpTokenRequester
request() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.TokenRequester
Request a token.
requestAddress() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcClientBuilder
Builder for the request address.
requestPostProcessor(BiFunction<Message, Object, Message>) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcClientBuilder
A callback before sending a request message.
requestQueue(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcServerBuilder
The queue to wait for requests on.
requestTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcClientBuilder
Timeout before failing outstanding requests.
requeue() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Consumer.Context
Requeue the message (AMQP 1.0 released outcome).
requeue(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Consumer.Context
Requeue the message with annotations to combine with the existing message annotations.
REQUEUED - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector.ConsumeDisposition
resource() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Resource.Context
The resource instance.
Resource - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Marker interface for Resource-like classes.
Resource.Context - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Context of a resource state change.
Resource.State - Enum in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Resource state.
Resource.StateListener - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Application listener for a Resource.
reuse(boolean) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.Affinity
Whether an open connection with the same affinity should reused.
routingKey() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DeliverContext
routingKey() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.PublishContext
rpcClient() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.RpcClientBuilder.RpcClientAddressBuilder
Go back to the RPC client builder.
RpcClient - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Client support class for RPC.
rpcClientBuilder() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Connection
Create a builder to configure and create a RpcClientBuilder.
RpcClientBuilder - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
API to configure and create a RpcClient.
RpcClientBuilder.RpcClientAddressBuilder - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Builder for the request address.
RpcServer - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Client server class for RPC.
RpcServer.Context - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Request processing context.
RpcServer.Handler - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Contract to process a request message and return a reply message.
rpcServerBuilder() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Connection
Create a builder to configure and create a RpcServerBuilder.
RpcServerBuilder - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
API to configure and create a RpcServer.


SASL_MECHANISM_ANONYMOUS - Static variable in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
ANONYMOUS SASL mechanism (the default).
SASL_MECHANISM_EXTERNAL - Static variable in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
EXTERNAL SASL mechanism (e.g. client certificate).
SASL_MECHANISM_PLAIN - Static variable in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
PLAIN SASL mechanism (username and password).
saslMechanism(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
SASL mechanism to use.
scheduledExecutorService(ScheduledExecutorService) - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.impl.AmqpEnvironmentBuilder
Set scheduled executor service used for internal tasks (e.g. connection recovery).
select(List<Address>) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.AddressSelector
Pick an address from a list.
shared(boolean) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.OAuth2Settings
Whether to share the same token between connections.
singleActiveConsumer(boolean) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
Activate "single active consumer" on the queue.
size() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Consumer.BatchContext
Get the current number of message contexts in the batch context.
sourceExchange(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.BindingSpecification
The source exchange.
sourceExchange(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.UnbindSpecification
The source exchange.
sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.TlsSettings
SSLContext to use.
sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.OAuth2Settings.TlsSettings
SSLContext for HTTPS requests.
status() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Publisher.Context
The status returned by the broker.
strategy() - Method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.OverflowStrategy
strategy() - Method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QuorumQueueDeadLetterStrategy
strategy(ConnectionSettings.AffinityStrategy) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.Affinity
stream() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder
Options for a consumer consuming from a stream.
stream() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.StreamFilterOptions
Go back to the stream options.
stream() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
Set the type to Management.QueueType.STREAM and return stream-specific specification.
STREAM - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueType
streamOptions() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.SubscriptionListener.Context
Stream options, to set the offset to start consuming from.
subject() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the subject.
subject(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on subject field.
subject(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the message subject.
subscribe(String, Consumer.MessageHandler) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ObservationCollector
Decorate a Consumer.MessageHandler to observe the delivery of messages.
subscriptionListener(ConsumerBuilder.SubscriptionListener) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder
Set a listener to customize the subscription before the consumer is created (or recovered).
supportsContext(Observation.Context) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.DeliverObservationConvention
supportsContext(Observation.Context) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.PublishObservationConvention


TB(long) - Static method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ByteCapacity
TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.BackOffDelayPolicy
tls() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
TLS settings.
tls() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.OAuth2Settings
TLS configuration for requesting the token.
to() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the to field.
to(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on to field.
to(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the to field.
toAddress() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
toBytes() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ByteCapacity
Token - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2
A token.
TokenCredentialsManager - Class in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2
Credentials manager implementation that requests and refreshes tokens.
TokenCredentialsManager(TokenRequester, ScheduledExecutorService, Function<Instant, Duration>) - Constructor for class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.TokenCredentialsManager
tokenEndpointUri(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.OAuth2Settings
Set the URI to access to get the token.
TokenParser - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2
Contract to parse a token from a string.
TokenRequester - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2
Contract to request a token (usually on HTTP).
TOPIC - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ExchangeType
Topic exchange type.
topology(boolean) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionBuilder.RecoveryConfiguration
Whether to activate topology recovery or not.
toString() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Address
toString() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.BackOffDelayPolicy.FixedWithInitialDelayAndTimeoutBackOffPolicy
toString() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.BackOffDelayPolicy.FixedWithInitialDelayBackOffPolicy
toString() - Method in class com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ByteCapacity
trustEverything() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.TlsSettings
Convenience method to set a SSLContext that trusts all servers.
ttl() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get the message TTL.
ttl(Duration) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the message TTL.
type() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueInfo
The type of the queue.
type(Management.ExchangeType) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ExchangeSpecification
Type of the exchange.
type(Management.QueueType) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueSpecification
The type of the queue.
type(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ExchangeSpecification
Type of the exchange (as a string, for non-built-in exchange types).


unbind() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management
Start unbinding specification.
unbind() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.UnbindSpecification
Delete the binding.
unpause() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Consumer
Request to receive messages again.
unsettledMessageCount() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Consumer
Return the number of unsettled messages.
uri(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
The URI of a node to connect to.
uris(String...) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
A list of URIs of nodes of the same cluster to use to connect to.
userId() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Get user ID
userId(byte[]) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.FilterOptions
Filter on user ID.
userId(byte[]) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Message
Set the user ID.
username(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
The username to use.
UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider - Interface in com.rabbitmq.client.amqp
Contract for credentials based on a username/password pair.


V1 - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ClassicQueueVersion
Classic queue version 1.
V2 - Enum constant in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ClassicQueueVersion
Classic queue version 2.
value() - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.oauth2.Token
The value of the token.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.Affinity.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.StreamOffsetSpecification
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ClassicQueueVersion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ExchangeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.OverflowStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueLeaderLocator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QuorumQueueDeadLetterStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector.ConsumeDisposition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector.PublishDisposition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.HighCardinalityTags
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.LowCardinalityTags
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Publisher.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Resource.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings.Affinity.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConsumerBuilder.StreamOffsetSpecification
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ClassicQueueVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ExchangeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.OverflowStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueLeaderLocator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QueueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.QuorumQueueDeadLetterStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector.ConsumeDisposition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.metrics.MetricsCollector.PublishDisposition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.HighCardinalityTags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation.LowCardinalityTags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.observation.micrometer.AmqpObservationDocumentation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Publisher.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Resource.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version() - Method in enum com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ClassicQueueVersion
version(Management.ClassicQueueVersion) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.Management.ClassicQueueSpecification
Set the version of the classic queue implementation.
virtualHost(String) - Method in interface com.rabbitmq.client.amqp.ConnectionSettings
The virtual host to connect to.
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