Namespace RabbitMQ.Client.Events
- AsyncEventArgs
Provides data for AsyncEventHandler<TEvent> events that can be invoked asynchronously.
- BasicAckEventArgs
Contains all the information about a message acknowledged from an AMQP broker within the Basic content-class.
- BasicDeliverEventArgs
Contains all the information about a message delivered from an AMQP broker within the Basic content-class.
- BasicNackEventArgs
Contains all the information about a message nack'd from an AMQP broker within the Basic content-class.
- BasicReturnEventArgs
Contains all the information about a message returned from an AMQP broker within the Basic content-class.
- CallbackExceptionEventArgs
Describes an exception that was thrown during the library's invocation of an application-supplied callback handler.
- ConnectionBlockedEventArgs
Event relating to connection being blocked.
- ConsumerEventArgs
Event relating to a successful consumer registration or cancellation.
- FlowControlEventArgs
Event relating to flow control.
- RecoveringConsumerEventArgs
Event related to consumer recovery, during automatic recovery.
- ShutdownEventArgs
Information about the reason why a particular channel, session, or connection was destroyed.