Interface Command

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Command
Interface to a container for an AMQP method-and-arguments, with optional content header and body.
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieves the body byte array that travelled as part of this Command, if any.
    Retrieves the ContentHeader subclass instance held as part of this Command, if any.
    Retrieves the Method held within this Command.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getMethod Link icon

      Method getMethod()
      Retrieves the Method held within this Command. Downcast to concrete (implementation-specific!) subclasses as necessary.
      the command's method.
    • getContentHeader Link icon

      ContentHeader getContentHeader()
      Retrieves the ContentHeader subclass instance held as part of this Command, if any. Downcast to one of the inner classes of AMQP, for instance AMQP.BasicProperties, as appropriate.
      the Command's ContentHeader, or null if none
    • getContentBody Link icon

      byte[] getContentBody()
      Retrieves the body byte array that travelled as part of this Command, if any.
      the Command's content body, or null if none