Table of Contents

Class CreateChannelOptions


Channel creation options.

public sealed class CreateChannelOptions
Inherited Members


CreateChannelOptions(bool, bool, RateLimiter?, ushort?)

public CreateChannelOptions(bool publisherConfirmationsEnabled, bool publisherConfirmationTrackingEnabled, RateLimiter? outstandingPublisherConfirmationsRateLimiter = null, ushort? consumerDispatchConcurrency = 1)


publisherConfirmationsEnabled bool
publisherConfirmationTrackingEnabled bool
outstandingPublisherConfirmationsRateLimiter RateLimiter
consumerDispatchConcurrency ushort?



Set to a value greater than one to enable concurrent processing. For a concurrency greater than one IAsyncBasicConsumer will be offloaded to the worker thread pool so it is important to choose the value for the concurrency wisely to avoid thread pool overloading. IAsyncBasicConsumer can handle concurrency much more efficiently due to the non-blocking nature of the consumer.

Defaults to null, which will use the value from ConsumerDispatchConcurrency

For concurrency greater than one this removes the guarantee that consumers handle messages in the order they receive them. In addition to that consumers need to be thread/concurrency safe.

public readonly ushort? ConsumerDispatchConcurrency

Field Value



If the publisher confirmation tracking is enabled, this represents the rate limiter used to throttle additional attempts to publish once the threshold is reached.

Defaults to a ThrottlingRateLimiter with a limit of 128 and a throttling percentage of 50% with a delay during throttling.

public readonly RateLimiter? OutstandingPublisherConfirmationsRateLimiter

Field Value



Setting the rate limiter to null disables the rate limiting entirely.


Should this library track publisher confirmations for you? Defaults to false

When enabled, the PublishSequenceNumberHeader header will be added to every published message, and will contain the message's publish sequence number. If the broker then sends a basic.return response for the message, this library can then correctly handle the message.

public readonly bool PublisherConfirmationTrackingEnabled

Field Value



Enable or disable publisher confirmations on this channel. Defaults to false

Note that, if this is enabled, and PublisherConfirmationTrackingEnabled is not enabled, the broker may send a basic.return response if a message is published with mandatory: true and the broker can't route the message. This response will not, however, contain the publish sequence number for the message, so it is difficult to correlate the response to the correct message. Users of this library could add the PublishSequenceNumberHeader header with the value returned by GetNextPublishSequenceNumberAsync(CancellationToken) to allow correlation of the response with the correct message.

public readonly bool PublisherConfirmationsEnabled

Field Value
