Class StringRpcServer

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class StringRpcServer
    extends RpcServer
    Subclass of RpcServer which accepts UTF-8 string requests.
    • Method Detail

      • handleCall

        public byte[] handleCall​(byte[] requestBody,
                                 AMQP.BasicProperties replyProperties)
        Overridden to do UTF-8 processing, and delegate to handleStringCall. If UTF-8 is not understood by this JVM, falls back to the platform default.
        handleCall in class RpcServer
      • handleStringCall

        public String handleStringCall​(String request)
        Default implementation - override in subclasses. Returns the empty string.
      • handleCast

        public void handleCast​(byte[] requestBody)
        Overridden to do UTF-8 processing, and delegate to handleStringCast. If requestBody cannot be interpreted as UTF-8 tries the platform default.
        handleCast in class RpcServer
      • handleStringCast

        public void handleStringCast​(String requestBody)
        Default implementation - override in subclasses. Does nothing.