Package com.rabbitmq.client
The client API proper: classes and interfaces representing the AMQP
connections, channels, and wire-protocol framing descriptors.
Interface Summary Interface Description AddressResolver Strategy interface to get the potential servers to connect to.AMQP AMQP.Access.Request AMQP.Access.RequestOk AMQP.Basic.Ack AMQP.Basic.Cancel AMQP.Basic.CancelOk AMQP.Basic.Consume AMQP.Basic.ConsumeOk AMQP.Basic.Deliver AMQP.Basic.Get AMQP.Basic.GetEmpty AMQP.Basic.GetOk AMQP.Basic.Nack AMQP.Basic.Publish AMQP.Basic.Qos AMQP.Basic.QosOk AMQP.Basic.Recover AMQP.Basic.RecoverAsync AMQP.Basic.RecoverOk AMQP.Basic.Reject AMQP.Basic.Return AMQP.Channel.Close AMQP.Channel.CloseOk AMQP.Channel.Flow AMQP.Channel.FlowOk AMQP.Channel.Open AMQP.Channel.OpenOk AMQP.Confirm.Select AMQP.Confirm.SelectOk AMQP.Connection.Blocked AMQP.Connection.Close AMQP.Connection.CloseOk AMQP.Connection.Open AMQP.Connection.OpenOk AMQP.Connection.Secure AMQP.Connection.SecureOk AMQP.Connection.Start AMQP.Connection.StartOk AMQP.Connection.Tune AMQP.Connection.TuneOk AMQP.Connection.Unblocked AMQP.Connection.UpdateSecret AMQP.Connection.UpdateSecretOk AMQP.Exchange.Bind AMQP.Exchange.BindOk AMQP.Exchange.Declare AMQP.Exchange.DeclareOk AMQP.Exchange.Delete AMQP.Exchange.DeleteOk AMQP.Exchange.Unbind AMQP.Exchange.UnbindOk AMQP.Queue.Bind AMQP.Queue.BindOk AMQP.Queue.Declare AMQP.Queue.DeclareOk AMQP.Queue.Delete AMQP.Queue.DeleteOk AMQP.Queue.Purge AMQP.Queue.PurgeOk AMQP.Queue.Unbind AMQP.Queue.UnbindOk AMQP.Tx.Commit AMQP.Tx.CommitOk AMQP.Tx.Rollback AMQP.Tx.RollbackOk AMQP.Tx.Select AMQP.Tx.SelectOk BasicProperties BlockedListener Implement this interface in order to be notified of connection block and unblock events.Channel Interface to a channel.Command Interface to a container for an AMQP method-and-arguments, with optional content header and body.ConfirmListener Implement this interface in order to be notified of Confirm events.Connection Public API: Interface to an AMQ connection.ConnectionPostProcessor Hook to add processing on the open TCP connection.Consumer Interface for application callback objects to receive notifications and messages from a queue by subscription.ContentHeader Public API for abstract AMQP content header objects.ExceptionHandler Interface to an exception-handling object.FlowListener Deprecated. LongString An object providing access to a LongString.Method Public interface to objects representing an AMQP 0-9-1 methodMetricsCollector Interface to gather execution data of the client.Recoverable Provides a way to register (network, AMQP 0-9-1) connection recovery callbacks.RecoverableChannel Convenient interface when working against auto-recovery channels.RecoverableConnection Convenient interface when working against auto-recovery connections.RecoveryDelayHandler A RecoveryDelayHandler is used to tell automatic recovery how long to sleep between reconnect attempts.RecoveryListener A RecoveryListener receives notifications about completed automatic connection recovery.ReturnListener Implement this interface in order to be notified of failed deliveries when basicPublish is called with "mandatory" or "immediate" flags set.RpcClient.CorrelationIdSupplier Contract to generate correlation IDs.RpcClient.RpcClientReplyHandler Behavior to handle RPC reply.SaslConfig This interface represents a hook to allow you to control how exactly a sasl client is selected during authentication.SaslMechanism Our own view of a SASL authentication mechanism, introduced to remove a dependency on A ShutdownListener receives information about the shutdown of connections and channels.ShutdownNotifier Interface for components that are shutdown capable and that allow listeners to be added for shutdown signalsSocketChannelConfigurator SocketConfigurator SslEngineConfigurator TrafficListener Contract to log outbound and inboundCommand
s. -
Enum Summary Enum Description BuiltinExchangeType Enum for built-in exchange types. -
Exception Summary Exception Description AlreadyClosedException Thrown when application tries to perform an action on connection/channel which was already closedAuthenticationFailureException Thrown when the broker refuses access due to an authentication failure.ChannelContinuationTimeoutException Exception thrown when a channel times out on a continuation during a RPC call.ConsumerCancelledException MalformedFrameException Encapsulates a frame format error at the wire level.MissedHeartbeatException Encapsulates an exception indicating that the connection has missed too many heartbeats and is being shut down.PossibleAuthenticationFailureException Thrown when the likely cause is an authentication failure.ProtocolVersionMismatchException Thrown to indicate that the server does not support the wire protocol version we requested immediately after opening the TCP socket.ShutdownSignalException Encapsulates a shutdown condition for a connection to an AMQP broker.TopologyRecoveryException Indicates an exception thrown during topology recovery.UnknownClassOrMethodId Thrown when the protocol handlers detect an unknown class number or method number.UnroutableRpcRequestException Exception thrown when a RPC request isn't routed to any queue. -
Error Summary Error Description UnexpectedFrameError Thrown when the command parser hits an unexpected frame type.UnexpectedMethodError Indicates that aMethod
object was supplied that was not expected.