Interface Message

public interface Message
API for outbound and inbound messages.

A RabbitMQ stream message must comply to the AMQP 1.0 message format for the best interoperability.

Please see section 3.2 "message format" of the AMQP 1.0 specification to find out about the exact meaning of the message sections.

Messages instances are usually created with a MessageBuilder.

  • Method Details

    • hasPublishingId

      boolean hasPublishingId()
      Does this message has a publishing ID?

      Publishing IDs are used for deduplication of outbound messages. They are not persisted.

      true if the message has a publishing ID, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • getPublishingId

      long getPublishingId()
      Get the publishing ID for the message.

      Publishing IDs are used for deduplication of outbound messages. They are not persisted.

      the publishing ID of the message
      See Also:
    • getBodyAsBinary

      byte[] getBodyAsBinary()
      Get the body of the message as an array of bytes.
      the message body
    • getBody

      Object getBody()
      Get the message body.

      The actual type is defined by the underlying AMQP 1.0 codec.

      the message body
    • getProperties

      Properties getProperties()
      Get the properties of the message.
      the properties of the message
    • getApplicationProperties

      Map<String,Object> getApplicationProperties()
      Get the application properties of the message.
      the application properties of the message
    • getMessageAnnotations

      Map<String,Object> getMessageAnnotations()
      Get the message annotations of the message.

      Message annotations are aimed at the infrastructure, use application properties for application-specific key/value pairs.

      the message annotations
    • annotate

      default Message annotate(String key, Object value)
      Add a message annotation to the message.
      key - the message annotation key
      value - the message annotation value
      the modified message
    • copy

      default Message copy()
      Create a copy of the message.

      The message copy contains the exact same instances of the original bare message (body, properties, application properties), only the message annotations are actually copied and can be modified independently.

      the message copy